#HelpFashionTalent: A success story from Oliver Royce - Head of Design at GymShark

The #HelpFashionTalent series continues!

In the light of the current global situation, with all the current uncertainty both economically and for many professionally, I started the initiative #HelpFashionTalent to collect inspiring stories from Fashion professionals, to help inspire and support the future talent of Fashion - Fashion Students. A space where we can share success stories and useful tips to nourish Fashion students to flourish their future in the industry.

This week I’m delighted to introduce Oliver Royce - the Head of Design at GymShark, to the #Fashion Super- #Intern Family!

Oliver is a great example of excellence, as to how hard work and commitment reciprocates in great professional results. Oliver graduated Fashion Design from Nottingham Trend University and has worked as Creative Lead at Speedo, to now Heading the Design Department at the most progressive Gym-wear brand: GYMSHARK.

Here is Oliver’s Story….

What is your background in studying and why did you decide to study/work in this field?

I studied Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University. I originally wanted to study Fine Art because I loved everything 3D form and shape. My mum pushed me to do Fashion Design, so that if it all went wrong and I was rubbish at it, I’d be able to get a job in an alterations shop, with the skills I learnt on the sewing machine.

Tell us one success story from your experience thus far.

One of my favourite successes that I’ve experienced, is being part of the team that designed a Tokyo Olympics Racing Suit. The Olympics is delayed but will be a great feeling to see it on the starting blocks, on some of the fastest people in the world.

What are your tips for Students/Graduates wanting to get their dream job straight after university?

A tonne of people I know that landed jobs at their dream work places, worked for free, for years. So, it really depends on what your dreams look like! If your dreams are based on being paid, then being open minded and willing to explore every opportunity (regardless of brand name) is key. The industry is tiny, so making a good impression and being kind is super underrated. Curating your online presence is essential. What comes up when someone googles your name or searches for you instagram/twitter? Employers are definitely looking, so be sure that it says the right things about you. Finally, say yes to as much as possible. I’ve agreed to helping with so many things and crossed paths with so many of the same people later on in my career. You never know, that small bit of experience or time spent for someone could pay off later down the line.

I’m SUPER Thankful to Oliver for contributing to my #HelpFashionTalent series, inspired to help the Future talent in Fashion - Fashion Student!

You can connect with Oliver via Linked In: Oliver Royce

Check Oliver’s Website: https://www.oroyce.co.uk

For more information on Fashion Super-Intern click here