Fabric Sourcing
Fabric Sourcing
Fabric research is a specialized service that involves finding the best fabric suppliers for our clients. At its core, fabric research is about identifying and evaluating fabric suppliers who can provide the highest quality materials and services to our clients.
The process of fabric research begins with understanding our clients' needs and requirements. We work closely with them to identify the specific fabrics they need, such as natural or synthetic fibers, eco-friendly or sustainable options, and the desired texture, weight, and durability.
Once we have identified the specific fabric requirements, we begin the process of researching potential fabric suppliers. This includes reviewing their production processes, quality control systems, and certifications to ensure that they meet our clients' standards for quality, sustainability, and ethical production.
Once we have identified potential fabric suppliers, we produce a thorough list of best possible fabric suppliers that match our client’s requirements, with their information for our clients to use for their needs.
By locating the best fabric suppliers, we provide our clients with access to a wide range of high-quality fabrics that meet their specific needs and requirements. Our fabric research services help our clients to reduce costs, improve product quality, and increase production efficiency.
What the service looks like:
Simple Fabric Supplier’s Research service, which incorporates in-depth research and delivery of a full list of best suited Fabric supply sources.
Does not include mentoring calls.
Does not include outreach on clients behalf.
Does not include sourcing service in the form of contacting suppliers, engaging with logistics, and orders on client’s behalf.
Does not have a timeline for delivery, process can take from 10 working days to 30 days depending on complexity of the project. The timeline of delivery will be established at the beginning of the project.
Service concludes once the full list is provided.